Tuesday, August 21, 2018


Our animal learning and report writing is progressing well.  
Penguins are birds.  Penguins can't fly.  Penguins have a white body.  Their back is black.  Penguins don't have wings they have flippers.  They have flippers with solid bones.  
The mum goes off and gets food for the baby.  The dad stays and looks after the egg.  About 2 months later the mum comes back.
Penguins eat krill, squid and fish.  The mum puts the food in her mouth and puts it in the babies mouth.
Penguins live in Antarctica and South America.  They also live in Australia and New Zealand.  They go in the water to keep cool.  They are good swimmers.
Once I saw a penguin.
By Harlem

They are black and white.  They have flippers.  They have solid bones.  Penguins are a bird.
The mummy lays the egg and dad looks after it.  The mum goes off to get food for the baby.  When the mum comes back she has food in her mouth.  She regurgitates it.  
They give the baby krill, squid and fish to eat.  When she regurgitates it it goes into the babies mouth.  
Penguins live in the icy Antarctica and it is very cold at Antarctica.  
I want to see a penguin so badly.  I wish I had one as a pet but I would have trouble keeping it cold.
By Keira

Penguins are a bird and they can't fly.  They have flippers and they have two eyes and they have a black head and a white body.
The mummy goes to get some food and the dad sits on the egg until it hatches and the egg will hatch when the egg is warm.  The mum lays the egg. 
They eat squid, krill, fish and seafood  They chew it up with their beak and the mum has t put the food in the babies mouth.  
Penguins live in Antarctica and the Galapagos Island on the Equator, 600 miles west of the Ecuador.  They like to live on the cold ice.  Penguins also live in Australia and New Zealand.
I have never seen a penguin and they are cute and interesting.
By Ava Rose

We made some pretty fantastic looking penguins of our own.  They are going to live in our Winter Wonderland area.


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