Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Today those of us that opted into 'Magnets' for Science had our first session with Mrs Lunn.  Our first activity was to sort a collection of objects that Mrs Lunn had collected, and sort them into groups.

Scientists are good at classifying things.
We took turns at picking an object and deciding which hoop it should go into.  As scientists, we asked ourselves if it was the same as anything else, or was it different.  We ended up classifying the objects by what things were made of...

Hmm... Kazma is WONDERing what this object is made of.  It felt like plastic on the sides but when he flipped it over he could see it was made of cardboard.


 When we were classifying all the objects, we realised that some objects could actually be put in more than one hoop.  We decided that if we overlapped the hoops, we could put the object in the middle of where the two hoops overlapped.  We found a lot of our objects that we both METAL and PLASTIC like the scissors and some clothes pegs.

We came up with label names for each set:  Wood, Plastic, Metal, Wax, Fabric and Cardboard.

Next Mrs Lunn showed us the magnets.  Our challenge was to EXPLORE all the different objects and see what happens when we put the magnets next to them...

We soon found out that not all objects stick to the magnets.  We wondered what objects that stuck to the magnets had in common.  We noticed that the magnets stuck to metals.  

We decided to test our theory - Magnets stick to metals.

Weird... we OBSERVED (that's a scientist's word for looked) that NOT all metals stuck to the magnet.  So we came up with a new theory... SOME metals stick to magnets but not all.

We reflected on what we found out today:
  • Some objects can be classified into more than one group
  • Plastic is not magnetic
  • Wood, Cardboard and Wax are not magnetic
  • Fabric is not magnetic
  • SOME metals are magnetic
We thought and acted like Scientists today.  We observed, we made connections, we came up with theories and EXPLORED them then we evaluated them.  Pretty flash stuff!

Magnets - By Tyler
When me and Jack were doing Magnets, we got the big magnet.  We had a lot of fun.  We found out that some metals do not stick to magnets.

Magnets - By Jack
When me and Tyler were doing Magnets, we got the big magnet and we had fun with the magnets.  Max was with us as well.  I found out that we could classify objects into wood, metal, plastic and rubber.

Magnets - By Kade
Yesterday the teacher put my magnet up on the roof.  It stuck to a metal thing hanging down.  I found out that some metals are magnetic and some metals are not.

Magnets - By Holly
Yesterday we did magnets.  Some stuff can't stick to the magnet.  Some stuff stuck to the magnets.  A screw stuff to the magnet sone objects didn't stick to the magnet and it was fun.

Magnets - By Kazma
Yesterday I did magnets workshop with my group.  I loved it.  Magnets stick to metal.  Magnets do not stick to plastic.

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